Your general feedback here
jiangxi commented
To apply for trial account
John Havlik commented
Authentication failed when using dashboard. First time user. Assume that username = my email?
James commented
My connection keeps degrading after about 15 minutes of connection. This is really troubling.
Charter commented
When Goagent was good, 720P on youtube was possible, but now it's almost gone forever.
Then turn to shadowsocks and tried both bandwagon and digitalocean, too much dissapointed, just too slow for any video stream.
now with your VPN, it's really amazing, even 1080P works fine when the right server chosen. and your promotion of 1 year free is really just the best price for this quality.
THanks a lot for your great service, just hope it will be always stable and fast as today.
Best Regards
Stephen commented
Often I come back after leaving my computer unattended and find pureVPM has dropped out. When this happens the computer starts using the normal unprotected internet connection. This just happened. This in unaccaptable. Instead of protecting my you have exposed my to danger with a false sense of security. I am deeply dissapointed and think, frankly, that if any harm comes from this undisclosed fatal flaw in your software you owe me compensation.
Lois Moore commented
I purchased purevpn in the US. I am now in China working until 07/10/2015. My puevpn valid until 04/19/2016. I am having problems logging on. pls advise. Pls confirm my username name and password. thank you
Orcun commented
Hello I'm in China.I can not open PureVPN website when i try to use my PureVpn it is giving me error wrong name password could you help me?
Laufree commented
Im in China.
I purchased PureVPN for almost a year. But I rarely used. Because it is not easy to use in china.
It always can not connect, or its speed is very low, only 1 or 2 bit/s.
Can you try to help me to solve? -
mike paul commented
I want to cancel my subscription
david commented
the speed of loading a google searched page is usually below 100k, loading over a minute.
using usa servers. -
david commented
the pc version of purevpn always unable to connect, usually disconnected regularly.
the speed of most of the servers in usa, uk, singapore, hong kong, japan, south korea are too slow for a video watching. -
Miguel Camelo commented
The connection speed of the vpn server located in Colombia is too slow!!
michael commented
live chat shouldnt clear when you go to another window and i want the annual auto renewal removed from my account and fix my account so i can login othewise im reversing the renewal charge with my cc company email me a confirmation of all this thanks
James commented
Please do not resubmit this renewal username 1400166203318.
renew ref.: 79895522. acct 51150636.
I have opened an new acct.
chris commented
I tried purchasing a 30 day plan. Paypal will only make the payment if I have it connected to a credit card because it is reccurring billing. Please send me a request for payment that is nonrecurring for one month so that I can make the payment .
Thanks, Chris
Hans J Petersen commented
cant find my login id
alireza commented
Erin commented
I'm Using MAC OSX Version.
But there is no option to input the server address manually. -
viktoria commented
protect all
Bruce commented
hope do business with every ong