Split Tunneling enhancement
I would like the split tunneling feature to be modified to allow the user to reverse the way it currently needs to be configured. As it is now when split tunneling is select all of the applications that the user wants to go through VPN must be identified. IMO, this is backwards. If one uses VPN to begin with and without split tunneling then by default all traffic goes through the VPN. However, when split tunneling is turned on then by default all traffic will not use VPN. The use of split tunneling should not change the default.
Because this was implemented in this manner it is probably not feasible to change the way it works without impacting the user base. However, it is possible to change it to allow the user to specify that the process should work in the reverse via a configuration option.
That would allow the user to specify those application that they do not want to go through VPN, which I believe would be the lesser of the two and require less maintenance. In other words always use VPN regardless of whether or not split tunneling has been selected except for those applications that are identified otherwise.

Animish commented
Currently, when split tunneling is turned on, only the selected apps use VPN and rest use normal internet. There should also be an option to select apps where VPN shouldn't be used i.e. exact reverse of what is there in the app right now.
Anonymous commented
This is needed for us gamers!
Martin commented
I agree with the original poster's opinion that the way Split Tunneling currently works is "completely backwards". EVERYTHING should go through the VPN tunnel by default, and Split Tunneling should be used to select the applications that you "DON'T WANT" going through the VPN. This would make Split Tunneling so much more effective. With the way it currently works now it's useless!
Anonymous commented
an additional option I would like to see added is the possibility to add additonal parameters to the executable
for example being able to use sandboxie and open a firefox instance in incognito:
"C:\Program Files\Sandboxie\Start.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" "-private-window"
all in a single command
Anonymous commented
Yes of course. However you have to make the iOS app useful because right now it does not do anything.
AdminPureVPN (Product Team, PureVPN.com) commented
At present, Split-Tunneling is available in our Windows software. However, we are working very hard to launch this cool feature across all other devices. We would like to take your feedback on this: should we launch Split-Tunneling on other device?