Service Improvement
10 results found
OpenVPN Support for Other Encryption Cipher
Please implement the feature for OpenVPN users to be able to select the encryption cipher the is required.
For example AES-128-CBC.
This provides more flexibility to the users.212 votes -
Update server list and use encryption key certificates
When I connect via openVPN I get the following warning:
"WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled. See for more info."
The following configuration is suggested by openVPN:
ca ca.crt
cert server.crt
key server.key # This file should be kept secretIn my config folder I can only find a ca.crt but no server.crt and also no server.key.
I have also tried your openvpn-2.1.1-install.exe but the message "WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled. See for more info." still came up so this does not resolve the issue.
Besides this I noticed that there…
101 votes -
IPv6 Support for OpenVPN
IPv6 is very common nowadays. More and more ISPs are using IPv6 as well. It would be great if IPv6 is supported for OpenVPN.
54 votesThanks for reaching out. Your suggestion has been forwarded to concerned dept.
Keep writing, we really appreciate it!
Switch to SHA2
SHA1 is no longer considered secure and has been replaced by SHA2, still it is being used by you. Even browsers are planing a complete ban of SHA1 for use with SSL, because it cannot guarantee a secure connection between client and service. VPN services are useless if they use outdated security technologies. Could you please make a switch soon?
12 votes -
View list of connected or Active devices ?
It would be great if there is an option in the profile settings to view the list of currently active or connected devices with the option to disconnect them??
11 votesHi,
That’s sounds good. I have forwarded your suggestion to concerned department for further evaluation.
Keep sharing your valuable suggestions, it means a lot to us!
Multiple suggestions:
Add more VPN / tunnel protocols such as SSH and DNS tunneling, SSL can be nice too.
Add special servers that enables us to use PureVPN as a mini private LAN between one`s logged in devices, for example, to securely access my desktop at home, while traveling with my Laptop, I understand you can use a dedicated IP for that, but it is not as secure as being encrypted end to end, also this is a simpler solution, this is a unique feature that your direct competitors do not have.
Sell add-on VPS (Virtual Private Server) service. If you/ your…
8 votes -
Allow customers to change their VPN password
I think you should provide a tool on your website to allow a customer, once logged into the billing portal/client area, to change autonomously the username and password normally used to connect to your vpn servers. This changing should be made as soon as possibile because it would improve security.
4 votesYou can now change your VPN password from your client area. :)
Configure OpenVPN to your server in Finland
Your server currently does not have OpenVPN support in it. Please enable it. All other Nordic countries already have it like Sweden, Denmark, Norway and even Iceland.
3 votes -
Your VPN has Anti-virus, anti-malware and anti-spyware feature?
Your VPN has Anti-virus, anti-malware and anti-spyware feature? You should add these feature in the future.
1 voteHi,
Thank you for choosing PureVPN for your desired VPN needs,
It is to inform you that we are now offering Antivirus feature after too many requests from our valuable customers, please have a look:
Keep sharing your wonderful ideas !
Please! Add "favorite list" for frequently used servers.
Its REALY HARD to scroll all this servers. And there is plenty amount of same "ideas". Make happy your customers. Its simple ))
Add it for "old client" first please!1 vote
- Don't see your idea?