WireGuard for Split Tunneling
WireGuard provides a very stable and fast connection. My problem is that WireGuard completely isolates the computer running the PureVPN app from the rest of my network. Split Tunneling allows the computer to be seen by the rest of my network, but only works with the other protocols. Those protocols are highly unstable for me, constantly dropping the connection or outright refusing to make an initial connection. When the connection is restored, it takes me to the exact same Chicago server every single time. This Chicago server is the only one It allows a stable connection to (interestingly, I have one computer running version 7 and it connects to any server I ask it too and remains 99% stable).
Please consider making the WireGuard protocol available with Split Tunneling. It seems as though that Would give me a fast, stable connection without isolating the device from my network.
Thank you.