Anonymous Index Report based on the current session
a) Number of sites visited
b) Logins / Authentications
c) How private each site I visited was, ie what did they track.
d) locations of sites I visited, and privacy law rating for the given sovereignty
e) Overall rating of a website I visit, as to how singular an entity they are, ie do they use cross site resources, or does all the resource come from the same domain.

AdminPureVPN (Product Team, commented
Hey Aaron, Wow that's an extensive and interesting list of features :) thanks for the suggestions! Can you please share more details on
b) Logins / Authentications
What exactly do you want to see regarding logins ?. Also, do you want to see all these stats in real-time or via email in your inbox?
if you are interested in sharing more details I would like to have a one on one discussion with you over email. May I contact you via email?