Your general feedback here
shaun anderson commented
Have been trying to get support but keeps erroring every time I try to send?
Wilfried Ahlers-Dorgeist commented
After creating my account and login in into the purevpn website successfully I cannot login with the vpn client on my Mac. Invalid user name or password.
Also renew the password but failed again. What is wrong with my account. Please check!
Thanks in advance!
Wilfried -
Nic commented
Using FileSharing purpose does show network speed in dashboard that is not consistent
with Deluge is showing while downloading a torrent.PureVPN shows down speed of 0-5 kbps, while Deluge is downloading at 400-700 kbps.
Why does PureVPN not show correct speed? Makes me worry.
Max Wood commented
Why is the list of servers not sorted?
Why am I asked for my password when I save it?
Why is the Mac OSX App MUCH slower then my iPhone Connection?
for FAIL -
- commented
Could please make a VPN Server for gaming?
rich commented
Still cant activate half the servers will have to find another program onc my month has run out
Chew Gee Seng commented
I had purchase PureVPN software to be use for personal IP but I cant find it, can you help to advice in details how to down load the sofeware and get personal IP password.
Bryan commented
Please I want to complain that I have downloaded and subscribed for the one month services of Purevpn but each time I try to login I keep getting access denied message at the bottom of the login page. Kindly assist me on what to do thanks.
Steve Shepard commented
Thanks for 64 bit link but when I run it , Task Manager in Win 8.1 shows (32 bit) after it's data. My computers are ALL 64 bit i-5/i-7 processors by Intel. 32 bit seems fast enough but I'm disappointed after asking 2 times that I keep getting a link to a 32 bit native program - It runs fine on 64 so perhaps we're confusing each other with terminology. Problem you can help with is: After many installs of the purevpn_windows.exe and/or the purevpn_setup.exe - the login info: User and password - disappear after I reboot my computer even if purevpn is closed or open. HOW CAN I MAKE THESE SETTINGS STAY? I do make sure that the "remember me" box is checked/ticked after entering data and connection is not a problem. I just need your advice how to keep these from goling missing/getting lost. Also, after every re-installation with the above *.exe files, I fully uninstall AND re-boot Windows 8.1 before installing the purevpn software again (and putting in my user / password data. Thank you for yor help, this has just become frustrating to keep having the pw/id go missing. As to 32/64 bit, I meant software that is coded to run at 64 bit - which I thought the purevpn._startup software you linked me to was. I think you thought I was suggesting I needed something that would run on my 64 bit Win 8 - that is not a problem. Anyway, password/id retention is the main issue, we can forget the confusion about 32/64 bit software.
Best Regards,
Steve in Seattle
purevpn0s150830 -
boris dayan commented
failed authentication.
Vincent commented
Please make the Mac app better and more responsive.
Mark commented
I live in china. 2 weeks ago i got pure vpn. But i have a lot of problems.
Many times there is a lost conection.
When i don't use the vpn my hotmail works fine.
but with vpn it keeps stalling and takes ages to send a email.
Many times it refuses to open sites as youtube and google.
I tried difrent servers and countries.
What do i do wrong or what can you do for me!!!regards
SALEM commented
Mark Montez commented
I am trying to connect, but it says the server did not respond. Do you know why this is? Or what I need to do? I haven't paid for anything.
Brian commented
Ehsan Sedigh commented
Hi Dear
i have problem with PureVpn on 9 pm until 3 am . slow connection and massive DC . but i dont have problem with my internet connection.this is PureVpn Problem.
what i do ?
Stephen Colby commented
Hi. I started an account with purevpn and I'm finding it too complex for me.
I've been taking way too much time to figure this out. I would like to request
a cancellation. Thank you
Stephen Colby
Edward Connelly commented
All of the UK players are displaying the message that we are not in the UK. I have tried several different connections with the same results.
Please advise
raden commented
on lin
Hooi Kong commented
vpn speed too good