subscription expiry date
subscription date not visable why Not

Ben Delgado commented
I finally found out that my past coverage was paid thru BLUESNAP , and was able to see chargesamd other information.
Ben Delgado commented
Regular user , iPad Air subscription exp date Jan2020...I had been using pure vpn for some time. A few months back a sale flag appeared stating that for $79.95 I could get 5 years service. I did so. Now I had to sign to use it.
I entered user/password and clicked next. A flag appeared..stating that I had not completed the captcha thing. The symbol to tap to get the 6 pictures never appeared
So I never. Was able to use vpn . And my unused portion of my coverage was no available. I talked to support for hours. Sept,oct coverage use was lost.
When I was finally able to view my status.,there were many dates there that were curious. . I had 2 accounts could nor use either one. I spent hours on chat
Finally I requested cancellation of the 79.95. I checked my card info and saw the refund. I went to my account and it was still active, I checked my card and there was a charge of $86.?.something. Still could not vpn. I still could not get coverage...Then There appeared a small greed flag offering ...5 year coverage for $69.95...such a deal
I was then Back on chat. Where I requested refund of all the charges.
My credit card gave me a phone number to call. No help. Back to chat where I requested refund of the $86 charge. I have to check my CC company to see if I have refund.
I still lost the coverage that I had paid for part of Sept ,Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan. ..gone.
When I signed up for the 5yr/79.00. At the same time I saw a banner/note/offering ..5 years /69.95. -
Ben Delgado commented
like Les Goodyear I would like to know what type of subscription I have.
Phillip Catt commented
Perhaps have it listed on the Updates Page.