Per packet dynamic server selection, depending on destination ip address
Partner with a company like ZoneAlarm
newsletter/weekly update on whether Google/Hulu are tracking my info
Clear my personal identifiable information over the internet
Ability to select city locations for dedicated IP servers
Wifi Security
Block connections until VPN is up · completed
The IKS does not work always.
Setup PureVPN as always-on background service on mobile
Mac: Remove the icon from the dock when it’s visible in the menu bar already! · completed
Show Live Current Network Connections
Channel bonding (like Speedify)
The number one thing that a VPN service needs to have are security, and reliability.
I would like to see a bandwidth monitor, which shows the speed of the VPN connection and the reduction in bandwidth from non-VPN connection
Add L2TP support in routers and maintenance to PPTP servers (they don't work properly, almost zero connection speed).