Canada - when selecting it would be beneficial to have the ability to select a specific province of Canada for a connection.
For example, I am in Ontario but quite often I connect to a VPN located in Montreal, which is in Quebec. This causes issues with legitimate and legal gambling within Ontario. This also cause issues with a number of other regulated sites that requires me to have an IP within the borders of Ontario. I realize I could easily bypass any site I wish, but that is not always desirable.
This ability would also assist with credit card authentication as sometimes it sees me as being in one province (Quebec) when my billing address is in Ontario, so it immediately rejects authentication.
Now I know that there are plenty of VPN available in the Toronto area as I periodically do connect to one of them (not often, but once in a while), and even some in Ottawa, it would be nice to be able to select one of those from time to time and avoid a Quebec VPN. It just so happens that I am geographically closer to Montreal than either of those.
Anyway, just my suggestion, and I hope it is given serious consideration.