Split Tunneling - Application launcher
when using split tunneling to have only a specific application go through the VPN, such as a Torrent downloader. It seems that you must launch the application from within the PureVPN Settings, Split Tunnel screen.....otherwise it does not use the tunnel.
I am thinking this, because I just recently paid for this VPN specifically for my torrent program, and have been having issues where I am still detected and receive notices about my activity.
my internet connection does randomly disconnect temporarily. after my first notice with the VPN...I found and enabled the "Internet Kill Switch" in the settings, but got a notice about my activity after PureVPN disabled all my internet. (I leave it going over night downloading, etc)
I just found by fluke, that I can launch my torrent program within the PureVPN Settings, Split Tunnel section.
which seems it might be required to make the application actively using the vpn. but I have not had a chance to try the downloading difference yet.
my suggestion....is that if this is required, to run the desired application from withing PureVPN...then on the main screen there should be a side panel or something to make it easily visible and accessible to launch your desired applications....rather than having to hunt through the PureVPN Settings section.

Phillip Catt commented
Perhaps an option for this is that, once you populate your APP list for split tunneling. That it would be available with a Right Click on the ICON. Then have a flyout menu of the Apps for split tunneling. Better than opening the program and digging in, to get to the split tunneling.
Randall commented
I never trust their cutting off the internet connection when PureVPN shuts down - hybernate the machine when it's runing and you'll see what I mean.
Get VPNNetMon Basic. If you run Torrent through there when VPN drops it kills torrent.