Your general feedback here

Rod commented
please help in finding programs
asaad commented
My subscribtion had been renewed but i still can not log in with PureVPN.
your help is needed -
mario ratko commented
Hi, I have been trying to get in touch with you for the last 24 hours
Reason:- I cxannot log into my version of VPN.It keep stelling me to
enter my Password,I do that but it just does not let me in.I cancelled it and started again with the same result.
I would appreciate,this fixed up or a nother version sent to me at no extra cost,
I await your response, as you appreciate payment immediatly when its due,I expect the same of you.
Thsank you,hear from you soon
Cheers Mario -
mahi commented
there is no name of my country (IRAN) in the page of vpn connecting. and i can't connect to vpn :( please add my country. God i need vpn.
Erik commented
How are you?
I don't see Belarus in the country list
Isn't there Belarus in PureVPN
Please let me know
Matthias commented
Hello support team,
lowds of trouble to connect to VON via ANY server. Pls. advice at the earliest what to
do to fix the issue.
Matthias -
Shahbazi commented
Carlos commented
Hi, I am in China and I watch the HK news every morning, can you send me the server name or address for the one in Hong Kong Central, I need that for direct connection with my windows vpn setup, thanks.
garhol commented
why my purevpn is so slow?how can i deal with it?
Carson Yu commented
Dear Sir,
RE: Account #purevpn0s488392
Recently, after the iOS had been upgraded with my iPhone 6S, I found that I could not get connection with purevpn and log onto FB, Messenger, HK discussion etc. Since I frequently travel between HK and China, please advise if there would be anything new procedure that I should do. Thank you. -
Thani commented
Thank you
Merdan commented
mohan commented
Trevor commented
I really regret that i took a 2 year subscription.
This is the shittiest VPN service i have ever used.Most of the time i cant connect. if i can connect i have speeds that are below 20Mbps.
During the test period i had speeds of up to 125Mbps. This is is a scam.
You should be shamed.
This subsciption won't be renewed.
Bjorn commented
I've been trying to watch F1 from Channel 4, UK, but no tv. I used to get in wi8yhout any probkems but now it says "ERROR not showing in my area". What's up?
Bjorn -
@samir410 commented
yiwenrui commented
herdika commented
purevpn0s3589661 commented
Rakan commented
Could you plz send user/passwd to my email.
As the document you send is blocked and cannot be opened.Regards